Future Endevours

Cervical Cancer Awareness:Women living with HIV are more susceptible to cervical cancer due to their weakened immune system. The highest rates for women suffering from cervical cancer are found within Sub-Saharan Africa. In fact, Malawi has the highest rate in the world, thus, COWLHA feels it is part of its mandate to advocate for these women. COWLHA has developed proposals for possible projects to address this issue in the future.
Climate Change and Resilience:

Countries in the Global South are those who bear the brunt of the consequences of climate change. With Malawi included in this sector, women in particular are more vulnerable due to their subordinate position within society. In response to this issue COWLHA has looked into garnering resilience and prevent these women from absorbing the shocks of climate change. A project in Dowa addressing this is currently underway.
Capacity Organization Development:
COWLHA is looking to grow as a platform for its members and effectively addressing their needs. We are actively doing this by implementing suggestions boxes and updating the website, along with important documents such as the strategic plan. COWLHA has also modified its mission to represent rising issues, as well as the addition of policies surrounding gender strategy and a communications strategy.
90-90-90 Target with UNAIDS:
UNAIDS has set the ambitious goal to eliminate AIDS by 2030. In order to reach this goal, COWLHA has outlined that by 2020, 90% Malawians should have been tested. Among those tested, the goal is to ensure that 90% of those who are HIV positive undergo treatment. Among those in treatment, 90% should reach viral suppression, thus diminishing chances of HIV spreading.
SRHR for young people:
COWLHA has acknowledged that in primarily focusing on women’s issues, it has thus neglected social issues impacting youth. This has inspired trainings like Get Up Speak Out (GUSO) and the development for youth-oriented programing